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1 Trimont LN, Pittsburgh, PA 15211

Active #1663870
Mt WashingtonAllegheny County
Looking for business presence minutes from downtown Pittsburgh? This beautifully updated office condo of 1132 square feet located within the prestigious Trimont Plaza in scenic Mt. Washington offers unparalleled opportunity. Previously used as a medical clinic/spa, this unit has reception, several office rooms, large rear storage space, and an in-office bathroom. Located on the 2nd floor of the Trimont Plaza, the common area has ADA restroom facilities, elevators, and resort-like lobby area overlooking the City and three rivers! 24 hour personal security and easy customer parking. Unit also includes 1 indoor garage parking space on P4 level.
Listed ByYour Town Realty(412) 367-0100
General Information
For Sale Building
For Lease Building
Lot Size Common lot
Taxes $1,474
Zoning C
Exterior Features
Construction Concrete
Loading Dock No
Parking 1
Interior Features
Freight Elevator Yes
Office Sqft 1,132
Utilities Available Electricity, Sewer, Water


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Listed ByYour Town Realty(412) 367-0100

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